Saturday Dec 04, 2010
Apostasy: We Are In The Last Days Pt. 8
Saturday Dec 04, 2010
Saturday Dec 04, 2010
In the final sermon in this series, Pastor Tony preaches on the hope that Jude concludes his epistle with. (Jude 24-25) Outline: Grown in the knowledge of our Lord a) He will make us persevere (Phil. 1:6; John 6:37-40 * to keep is literally "to watch over" (Ps. 121; John 10:27-29; 1 Cor. 1:8,9) 8 our assurance is based on Christ's work (Rom. 8:31-39; Heb. 7:25 b) He will make us perfect(1 Pet. 5:10) * Blameless - used of sacrifices - (1 Pet. 1:18,19; Eph. 5:27 * Heaven will be inhabited by perfect holy people only (Rev. 21:27; I Thess. 3:13 * From election to glorification all glory belongs to Him
Saturday Nov 27, 2010
Apostasy: We Are In The Last Days Pt. 7
Saturday Nov 27, 2010
Saturday Nov 27, 2010
In the seventh of an eight part series on Jude and the topic of apostasy, Pastor Tony Costa brings us good news from this epistle. Outline: I. Grow in grace - vs. 20-23 (Philippians 2:12,13) A. Looking iIn 1. Build yourselves - v.20 (II peter 1:5-8 2. Pray - v. 20 (Rom. 8:26,27; I Cor. 2:9-11 3. Keep yourselves - v. 21 (John 15:9-11; 1 John 2:5) B. Looking Up - v. 21 4. Await C. Looking Around 5. Have Mercy - v. 22 - the doubters 6. Save Them - the deceived v. 23 (Amos 4;11; Zac 3:2; matt. 10:16; Rev. 3:1,4)
Saturday Nov 20, 2010
Apostasy: We Are In The Last Days Pt. 6
Saturday Nov 20, 2010
Saturday Nov 20, 2010
Pastor Tony Costa continues the series on apostasy, in Jude 14-19 "The more light you have received, the more severe will be your judgment if you reject the truth" Outline: 1. Judgment - v 14-16 Enoch's Prophesy a) the Coming b) the Company Matt. 13:41,42,49,50; 24:31; 25:31 c) the Condemnation (grumblers, complainers, arrogant, flatterers) 2. Discernment - vs. 17-19 II Tim. 3:1-5 Scoffers, divisive, soulish, devoid of spiritual life I. Cor. 2:13,14
Thursday Nov 11, 2010
Apostasy: We Are In The Last Days Pt. 5
Thursday Nov 11, 2010
Thursday Nov 11, 2010
Pastor Tony Costa continues in Jude vs. 8-13, giving the definition, demise, and description of apostates. 1. The Definition - vs. 8-10 a) Delusional thinking. Jer. 23: 28-32; Col. 2:18,19 b) Disregard for authority - II Peter 2:10,11 c) Defiling the flesh (immoral) - II Peter 2:12; Jude v. 19 2. The Demise - v. 11 a) Cain - "his way" - Gen. 4:1-5; Prov. 16:25 b) Balaam - "his error" Num. 22-24 c) Korah - "his rebellion" Num. 16 3. The Description a) hidden reefs; b) waterless clouds; c) fruitless autumn trees; d) wild sea waves; e) wandering stars
Thursday Nov 04, 2010
Apostasy: We Are In The Last Days Pt. 4
Thursday Nov 04, 2010
Thursday Nov 04, 2010
Pastor Tony Costa continues in Jude as he clarifies the implications of verse 7 regarding homosexuality Outline: A. What the word of God says: 1. God created gender for a reason- Gen. 1:28; 2:18-25 2. God condemns homosexuality as a sin - Lev. 18:22; 20:13; Rom. 1:26,27 3. God only blessed heterosexual marriages 4. Homosexuality is an expression of self-worship- Col. 3:5,6; Rom. 1:23-28 B. What the culture says: 1. "How can it be so wrong if it feels so right?" - 1 Cor. 6:18-20 2. "It's biological... I was born this way" - Mark 7:21-23' 1 Cor. 6:10, 11; Romans 6:11,12; 2 Cor. 5:17
Saturday Oct 30, 2010
Apostasy: We Are In The Last Days Pt. 3
Saturday Oct 30, 2010
Saturday Oct 30, 2010
Pastor Tony Costa continues this series, covering Jude 4-7 Outline: 1. Their entry (II Peter 2:1, Matt. 13:24,25) 2. Their error (Titus 2:11, 12; 1 Cor. 10:11) a. Subverting the grace of God (Gal. 5:13; I Peter 2:16; Rom. 6:1,2) b. Denying the Lordship of Christ (Titus 1:16) 3. Their Sentence a. The Israelites (Num. 14:26-38) b. the fallen angels (II Peter 2:4) The Sodomites (II Peter 2:6)
Friday Oct 22, 2010
Apostasy: We Are In The Last Days Pt. 2
Friday Oct 22, 2010
Friday Oct 22, 2010
Pastor Tony Costa continues in the book of Jude, verse 3 The admonition: repeated by Paul - 1 Tim. 6:20; II Tim. 1:13,14 repeated by John - II John vs. 9-11 to contend is literally "to agonize" * What is meant by "the Faith?" given - completed past action: Rev. 22:18,19 the Gospel is the facts regarding the Person of Jesus: 1 Cor. 15: 1-8 *Truth is exclusive - John 14:6; Acts 4;1 "I cannot endure false doctrine, however neatly it may be put before me. Would you have me to eat poisoned meat because the dish is of the choicest ware?" (C. H. Spurgeon)
Friday Oct 15, 2010
Apostasy- We Are In The Last Days Pt. 1
Friday Oct 15, 2010
Friday Oct 15, 2010
Pastor Antonio Costa begins a series from the epistle of Jude: Jude 1,2 Outline: -A mark of these last days- v. 18; II. Tim. 3:1-5 -Apostates are false apostles - II Cor. 11:13 - Three times Jude calls them "ungodly" - vs. 4, 15, 18 - They don't serve Jesus; they serve themselves - Rom. 16:18 1. The Author- v1a brother of James and of our Lord - Mark 6;3 2. The Audience - v. 1b,2 a) We are called: II Tim. 1:8,9; John 10:3,4 b) We are loved: Deut. 7:7,8; John 13:1 c) We are kept: John 10:27,28; Rom. 8:31-39
Wednesday Oct 13, 2010
Ecumenism: The Fruit of Compromise
Wednesday Oct 13, 2010
Wednesday Oct 13, 2010
In a break between sermons, I gave this message on ecumenism before Pastor Costa starts his series from the book of Jude. Key scripture: 2 Cor. 6:14-18 A. What is ecumenism B. The Ingredients of Ecumenism 1. Non-judgmentalism 2. Acceptance of major doctrinal differences 3. Man's Explanation vs Biblical Clarity 4. A Common, Shared Goal C. A Scriptural refutation of ecumenism (1 Tim 1:3; Jude 3; Rom. 16:17; John 17; 1 Cor. 1:10; 2 Jn. 1:3;
Wednesday Sep 29, 2010
The believer and His Coming
Wednesday Sep 29, 2010
Wednesday Sep 29, 2010
Final sermon on the series on false prophets. Pastor Tony Costa preaches from II Peter 3:11-18
- Be holy – vs. 11-14 (Acts 1:9-11; Isa. 65:17; Ps. 102:25-27; Rev. 22:14,15; 1 Thess. 3;13; 5:2-6) "Every passage which speaks of Christ's coming is linked to moral conduct, faith and holiness" (A.W. Tozer)
- Be expectant – vs. 12-15a (Matt. 25:1-13 "Ho who is ready for that day, is ready for today" (Vance Havner)
- Be vigilant – vs. 15b-17 (Deut. 29:29; Matt. 15: 3-6)
- Be mature - v. 18 (1 Pet. 2:2; 1 Thess. 1:10)